Advanced 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training Explained
So, you’ve completed your 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training and are hungry for more. You want to dive deeper into the world of yoga, refine your teaching skills, and take your own practice to new heights.
That’s where Source of Yoga’s advanced 500 hour Yoga Training Certification comes in, and this blog will explore what this program entails and why it’s a significant step in your yoga journey.
Going Beyond the Basics
The 500 hour Yoga Training is designed for those who have already completed the foundational 200-hour program. It’s a natural progression, a way to build upon the solid yoga foundation you’ve already established. This advanced training offers a more profound understanding of yoga and equips you with the skills and knowledge to become an even more effective and confident yoga instructor.
The Ashtanga Yoga Connection
At the heart of the 500-hour training is Ashtanga yoga. Ashtanga, which means “eight limbs” in Sanskrit, is a rigorous and dynamic form of yoga that focuses on synchronizing breath with movement. It’s a highly structured and disciplined practice that delves deep into the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of yoga.
Exploring the Intermediate Series
One of the exciting aspects of the 500-hour Yoga Training is the exploration of the Intermediate Series of Ashtanga Yoga. These are the poses that come after the Primary Series, and they are often seen as the gateway to advanced yoga practice. Some of these poses include Pashasana, Krounchasana, Shalabhasana, Bhekasana, and Dhanurasana.
Individualized Learning
In this 500 Hour Yoga Training, the Intermediate Series is taught on an individual basis, within the Mysore style classes. This personalized approach allows you to receive tailored guidance and attention from experienced instructors. It’s an opportunity to refine your alignment, deepen your practice, and work on advanced poses under expert supervision.
More Hours, More Knowledge
To earn your 500 hour certification, you’ll need to complete an additional 300 hours of training. This can be achieved by attending scheduled Yoga Teacher Training courses or yoga teacher training retreats. These hours are invaluable as they provide a deeper dive into the philosophy, anatomy, and teaching methodologies of yoga.
Yoga Alliance Certification
Once you successfully complete the 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training, you’ll receive a certificate that meets and exceeds the standards set by Yoga Alliance, the globally recognized authority on yoga education. This certification allows you to register with Yoga Alliance as a 500-RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher), a prestigious recognition that opens doors to teaching opportunities worldwide.
Teaching Beyond Borders
Perhaps one of the most significant advantages of obtaining a 500 hour yoga training certificate is the ability to teach yoga anywhere in the world. Whether you dream of leading classes in your hometown, traveling and sharing your passion with diverse communities, or even opening your own yoga studio, this certification provides the credentials and expertise needed to bring yoga to others.
Your Next Step
If you’re serious about advancing your yoga practice and teaching career, the advanced 500-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification is your next logical step. It’s a journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment and a chance to deepen your understanding of Ashtanga yoga.
Contact us today to enroll in our 500-hour yoga training and gain the skills needed to inspire others on their yoga journey.